Saundra Shanti
Email saundra.shanti@gmail.com to begin a conversation.
Care begins with a free 30-minute phone consultation which allows for introductions, questions, and a description of Saundra's approach.
The Two-Session Introductory Protocol for $980 ($100 savings) is highly recommended (but not required) as you begin your process. This allows for adequate preparation to maximize the value of your journeys, along with integration following each session. These two sessions would ideally be scheduled within a ten-day window in order to provide immediate support and greater clarity that allows you to jumpstart into a new stage of transformation, recover from difficult life experiences, and find new meaning and direction in life. The Protocol Includes:
1. Preparation Session - This in-person session is an opportunity for you to deeply explore your goals and intentions for the work, learn skills for navigating your psychedelic terrain, develop new strategies to support integration and healing, and share your story. (1 hour)
2. Journey - In this session you enter into process through intentional ceremony, are guided to experience non-ordinary states of consciousness, and safely return from your experience. (3 hours)
3. Integration - This video call is where you deepen the meaning of your psychedelic experience as Saundra reflects with you about what transpired in your session and evokes more of your own wisdom and understanding into practical life application. Integration is essential for personal transformation.
(1 hour)
4. Second Session
5. Second Integration Session
Single Journey Package: $480*
One cannabis-assisted session (3 hours)
One integration video call (1 hour)
Prepaid Triple Journey Package: $1350*
Three cannabis-assisted sessions (3 hours each)
Three integration video calls (1 hour each)
*If the client has not completed the Introductory Protocol, an additional one-time cost of $120 is added to the package for the Preparation/Education hour.